The main objective of the magnesium citrate bowel prep is to prepare your bowels so that the stool is not present in your intestine before the upcoming surgery. Here are the instructions to be followed:

Day before surgery:

  • Follow a clear liquid diet
  • Drink one bottle of magnesium citrate in the morning
  • Don’t eat or drink after midnight
  • If you have no results from Magnesium Citrate by six hours after you took it, call our office

The following clear liquids are allowed:

  • Water
  • Clear broth such as chicken broth, beef broth, vegetable broth
  • Clear beverages such as sodas or tea
  • Juices like apple juice, grape juice, prune juice, cranberry juice, kool aid, lemonade
  • Ices/Jello, Italian ices, Popsicles without fruit, Clear Jell-O
  • One cup of coffee is allowed in the morning, prior to taking the Magnesium Citrate